Compositor: Timothy Brindle
On the completeness of the death of Christ
I'm talking bout the master who was massacred
Killed by non pacifists
Read the lord’s passion it's
Real I’m so passionate
Can't keep it in the cabinet
Keeping it going spitting strong 16s seem inadequate
I’m speaking on the depths of his death
See the tone of the atonement was to rescue and yet
There are various components that I rest and inspect
I promote it not demote it, do you get I am kept?
Because he saves
I’m calling saints/ now let’s bask in his holy ways and know his grace
Since he died we are justified fully so we praise him
Father’s wrath is satisfied sanctified and changing
Complete in adonai pray to never cave in
Gets deep forever God perfect love is fragrant
Created, he made us and saves us see his patience
Unchanging and gracious his love is so amazing!
On the completeness of scripture
Every time you put your face in the text
It’s God breathed how does it feel inhaling his breath
It’s alive
When we’re talking the word were talking sufficiency
From wisdom-literature, psalms, prophets, gospel to history
There’s no book in the world to compare the word with
Divinely inspired & he divinely persevered it
Complete when the canon was closed let me help you through it
Don’t be confused there’s simply just no more adding to it
It’s true it’s profitable for rebuke & correction
Equips us for every good work while purging our imperfections
Ohh yes it’s a blessing & display of his grace
He used the word as a portrait so we could see his face
But wait! / his words will pierce through your souls, sharp
With divine precision getting rid of your old heart
Our minds are filled with it but skeptics can’t deal with it
Still it’s amazing that God can be revealed in it!
On the completeness of the church for missions
The church is complete in him, you can’t compete with him
So keep your strength because if you beef with her then you beef with him
And he defeats contenders, beats contentious little weak pretenders
With secret agendas for the legal tender
It ain’t that secret is it, sorry its hard for me to keep attentive
I’m speaking on how Jesus completes the christian
Better yet, how the church is complete for mission
She will see it’s ending, it’s a promise that you’ve probably seen in scripture
And this may seem offensive
But representation from your missions board or organization may not be attending
She doesn’t need your business, her shepherd is Jesus and she’s been gifted
With pastors, teachers and others lead equippers
On the completeness of sanctification in glorification
(Yo!) in sanctification only the most can boast
(So) we thank and we praise him, he’s holy, kadosh, kadosh
Cus there’s no merit in us, it’s the work of God’s spirit in us
Making us the son of God’s mirror image
He carried the crossbeam for adam’s rebellious offspring
To die as a vicarious offering
He did it – golgotha hill, submitted to the father’s will
He’ll finish what he started ’til
We’re with him and it’s all fulfilled
Immediately after this we’ll be where our master is
(Heaven) true peace & happiness where we will see him as he is
(Present) it’s just a glass that’s dim where we battle with sin and regret it
Yet it’s cast to the wind when we’re alas with him in his presence
Never alone – dying and crying behind us
The brightest of robes – shekinah shining like diamonds in shamayim of gold
Excited, invited we’re like the messiah enthroned
We’re finally home
On the completeness of marriage
Ay yo, completely complete we, truly and deeply
Have moved from the two to a unit that chiefly
Provides us a picture of union that’s sweetly
Profound and it’s found through the church and her kingly
Husband, who loves them, died, it was rugged
But rides for his bride to provide her a covenant
Marriage is firstly a picture of mercy
That God would commit to a people unworthy
This bind’s not the kind that our sin could abolish
Cause no, his involvement is kept by his promise
And so, the pleasure and bond of the friendship-
How grand is the standard that’s standing till death splits!
Vile and we’re wretched, and while that’s correct
This God has desires, and kind to express it
In marriage though it’s temporary and ends
In glory we’re forever together married to him
On the completeness of the father’s plan in Christ
God’s will is the deepest, reveals this completeness
The whole bible finds its fulfillment in Jesus
From the battles and fights to the tabernacle sacrifice
Where the cattle was sliced, it’s all shadows and types
That point to Jesus Christ like an index finger
The best king of love who removed death’s stinger
The cross is the pinnacle of God’s revelation
Defeated death and satan bringing cosmic restoration
The resurrection proved the honesty of every statement
In Christ everything that God promised is yes and amen!
Your mind spinning, soon the bottom of the ninth inning
When it all comes together in Christ- no john lennon!
On the completeness of joy in Christ
(Christ) delighted in God before he was a boy
Became human to give us his completeness of joy
For the best pleasure the elect have been predestined
Secured by the lord in his death and resurrection
‘Cause psalm 16 was your prayer to the father
Fullness of joy, you inherit for all the: Co-heirs of your God
Since you were bearing the cost, by your merits and cross
Now we share in this honor
He feasts his priests and priestesses
With the treats of Jesus’ obedience
With peace that’s complete in sweetnesses
In ever-increasing completeness and unceasing gifts
The fullness of your deity and holiness is completing me
When my soul is conceiving and beholding all your scenery
Resurrected, from death restored
At God’s right hand–Christ is his pleasures forevermore!